Use of brain and spinal cord atrophy measures in clinical practice

MAGNIMS consensus recommendations on the use of brain and spinal cord atrophy measures in clinical practice

Based on the evidence reviewed, the idea that brain volume changes and, to a lesser extent, spinal cord atrophy are helpful predictors of the evolution of MS before initiation of therapy is undisputed, so these measures could be valid treatment-decision tools. The evidence reviewed also supports the idea that brain volume measures have value in monitoring the effects of MS drugs as part of the no evidence of disease activity outcome measure or minimal evidence of disease activity outcome measure. However, several potential sources of substantial error remain, including, but not limited to, differential effects of drugs on brain volume measures, confounding physiological and technical factors and the performance and value of volumetric tools. To make implementation of volume measurements in clinical practice feasible, these potential sources of error need to be accounted for and appropriately managed, and further research is needed to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the measurements. (2020).




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